Application Information
The annual Inspire Awards recognize SASE collegiate chapters that served as a role model of inspiration, growth, and creativity throughout the most recent academic year, while exemplifying the three pillars of SASE Collegiate:
Prepare API+ (of Asian heritage) students for success in the global business world.
Celebrate diversity and tolerance on campuses.
Provide opportunities for its members to make contributions to their local communities.
This document outlines the awards process for the 2025 awards, which reflect on chapter achievements for the 2024-25 academic year.
Important Dates
March 3, 2025
Application & Most Influential Chapter Award Nomination Opens
March 31, 2025
Most Influential Chapter Award Nominations Deadline
Nominations must be received by 11:59 PM local time for consideration.
May 2, 2025
Application Deadline
(all categories)
Applications must be submitted by 11:59 PM local time for consideration.
May 26, 2025
Winners Notified
The Collegiate Team selects the winners and Honorable Mentions.
June 6, 2025
National Convention Information Deadline
Winners must submit all required information to the National Convention committee.
October 1-4, 2025
National Convention Announcement
Winners will be notified of recognition times/locations once they are known.
Awards Categories - Overview
There are five categories; a single chapter may apply for a maximum of two (2) award categories.
This award will be given to the chapter that has shown the greatest growth and positive change over the past academic year. This includes improvements in areas like membership, event participation, leadership, and overall chapter performance. The chapter must demonstrate significant progress from previous years, reflecting their commitment to growth and excellence.
This category will be awarded to the nominated chapter that made the greatest positive influence in their community, region, and nation. Read more about nominations below.
This category will be awarded to the chapter that demonstrated and embodied the greatest spirit of service within their chapter, community, region, and nation.
This category will be awarded to the new chapter that made noteworthy strides in their first two years. Rebooted chapters are eligible for this award. Learn who is eligible below.
This award will go to the chapter that has made outstanding contributions to SASE Collegiate’s three pillars:
Prepare API+ (of Asian heritage) students for success in the global business world.
Celebrate diversity and tolerance on campuses.
Provide opportunities for its members to make contributions to their local communities.
The chapter must demonstrate sustainability in their efforts, with initiatives that have a lasting impact and continue to grow and succeed over at least one year.
Award Prizes
One winning chapter and one honorable mention will be selected per category. A chapter may apply for up to two (2) categories, but can only receive an award for one (1).
Winning chapters will receive:
$600: Overall Strongest Chapter awardee
$500: all other categories
A plaque with inscription presented at SASE National Convention
Recognition during the SASE National Convention
A dedicated article and photo in the SASE Magazine
Honorable Mention chapters will receive:
$200: all categories
A plaque with inscription presented at SASE National Convention
Recognition during the SASE National Convention
Stipulations for Winning Chapters
If your chapter is selected as a winner, you are agreeing to be featured in the National SASE Magazine and recognized at the SASE National Convention. In your application, you will submit the summary that will be used in the magazine.
Additionally, your chapter is requested to complete the following by September 30, 2025.
Create a compilation video that showcases your chapter’s strengths. This will be uploaded to the SASE national organization's YouTube channel. We encourage you to submit this with your application.
For more submission details please refer to Social Media Recognition: Video
Submit a file of your school’s primary logo
This should be the commonly-used, official logo for your university.
Do not submit the spirit mark (ie, the “sports logo”) if your school has one that is different from the standard logo.
Do not submit the university seal. University seals are reserved for official use only (diplomas and items from the office of the chancellor).
If in doubt, consult your college or university’s marketing department brand guidelines (example, example, example) or reach out to us to help clarify.
Eligibility - ALL CATEGORIES
A SASE chapter is eligible to apply for an Inspire Award if they met the following criteria within the timeframe of June 1, 2024 – May 31, 2025:
Have, at minimum, an active President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer on the Executive Board
Have a minimum of six active SASE members (in addition to the Executive Board)
Eligibility Rule: A chapter that has won this award in the previous calendar year is not eligible for the same award in the current year. A list of the previous recipients of the awards are listed here. However, the chapter may still be eligible for other categories.
The chapter cannot win the same award two years in a row.
The chapter is eligible to apply for other categories in the current year, even if they won a different award in the previous year.
Chapters that received an honorable mention in the previous year are still eligible to apply for the same award.
Offered at least four activities, programs, or events that further the SASE Collegiate Pillars:
Prepare API+ (of Asian heritage) students for success in the global business world.
Celebrate diversity and tolerance on campuses.
Provide opportunities for its members to make contributions to their local communities.
Completed at least two 1-on-1 chapter calls with their Regional Coordinator.
Eligible chapters for the 2025 Outstanding New Chapter Award.
Iowa State University (2024)
University of Chicago (2023)
University of Cincinnati (2023)*
University of Missouri - Columbia (2023)*
Brown University (2023)
Princeton University (2023)
Baylor University (2024)
Georgia Institute of Technology (2023)*
University of South Alabama (2023)
Vanderbilt University (2024)
University of Colorado, Denver (2024)
University of Denver (2024)
* Reboot chapter
In order to apply for the Most Influential Chapter Award, a chapter must first be nominated by any SASE member within the region, campus faculty, or other on-campus organization. After a nomination is made, the corresponding chapter will be notified and asked to consider applying for the award.
An individual may nominate more than one chapter. However, nominations for your own chapter will be disregarded.
Use this form to nominate a chapter. Nominations must be submitted by March 31, 2025.
Photo Submission Guidelines
Generally speaking, if a photo was used on a website, it is not going to print well in a magazine.
For a Headshot sized photo, a digital photo (or any photo that has been scanned) needs to have a resolution of 300 dpi and be about 2 x 3 inches in physical size. A “High or Medium quality” setting is required on a digital camera.
The file size of a JPEG photo described above would be about 200 KB. A JPEG with a file size of less than 200 KB will not work for magazine printing.
For a Feature article photo, the physical size of the photo should be about 5 x 7 inches. A JPEG file size would be about 800 KB.
The preferred file formats are:
Please do not send photos in PDF format or embedded within a Word document.
We highly recommend to include pertinent, quantifiable, and concise information that illustrates why your chapter deserves the award(s) you are applying for. Metric examples include:
Event attendance, membership growth, meeting engagement
Internships, co-ops, and jobs obtained by members through SASE events
Dollars raised, sponsorships secured, fundraisers held
Community events such as service projects, volunteer activities, local charity partnerships
Supporting images (e.g. photos, graphs)
To submit your application, follow these steps:
Complete the application by making a copy and filling out our application template.
You may only use up to 250 words per question.
Upload your application as a PDF file by May 2, 2025 at 11:59 PM local time.
Upload up-to 10 (ten) chapter photos (group, action, events, swag, etc.) from the academic year for the SASE Magazine that meet these requirements.
If you are unable to attend the National Convention 2025 in person, please be prepared to create an acceptance video to be showcased during the awards ceremony. Please also note that this stipulation is subject to change.
Questions? Contact your Regional Manager